
Archive for June, 2006

BDS2006 Update#2 Hotfixes

June 19, 2006 Leave a comment

After releasing Update#2, now several hotfixes follow it. Check it out what the fixes for.

Hotfix 1

This hotfix contains a fix for poppack.h. An invalid ‘#pragma option’ was added to poppack.h which was causing alignment errors when building Windows applications. This affected the Update 2 release of the C++ RTL only.

Hotfix 2

This hotfix provides CaliberRM Integration to support CaliberRM 2005R2 SDK. The current version of the CaliberRM Integration shipped with BDS 2006 does not support the latest version of the CaliberRM product. If users need access to the latest SDK available, this hotfix must be applied to allow the BDS integration to be compatible.

Hotfix 3

This hotfix contains a fix for customers who were unable to run the BDS2006 IDE after installing Update 2. For those customers, the IDE would start to load, and as soon as the splash screen was shown, it would disappear and the IDE would not run.

Hotfix 4

This hotfix contains a fix for HTML Editor for international characters. In DBCS environment, such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean, international character in the HTML editor may become corrupted or lost.

Hotfix 5

This hotfix addresses the performance issue described in QC 22372. When the product is configured with a large number of component packages, there is a significant delay when switching to the form designer view.

Hotfix 6

Accented characters or far east characters in source code cause errors in C++ rename refactoring.

Ho ho ho..6 hotfixes..? well actually, I just installed Hotfix 5 only, I just install the necessary hotfix, depends on my needs and tasks. Happy fixing 🙂

Categories: News

Guestbook Shutdown (Temporarily)

June 19, 2006 Leave a comment

It has been vulnerable for several weeks, my guestbook filled by spams from spesific adresses. It seem the entries filled (semi) manual, not so automatic, but still disturbed me. There are about 10-20 entries per day. Well I must clear it every day and it was an uncomfort task. 😦
Hmm.. I must modify the guestbook script, but I have no enough time to do it, so I shut it down temporarily. Hope available soon.

Categories: News

Replaying “Lotus 3 -Ultimate Challenge” DOS Game

June 7, 2006 Leave a comment

Today, I’ve visited my friend’s blog and read the post about his experience on playing an ancient DOS game  on Windows XP box. It sounds interesting and gives me a motivation to take a time to search one of my favourite DOS games. It was Lotus 3 – The Ultimate Challenge.

Fortunatelly, some people who love the ancient, old DOS softwares, including DOS games keep them in save place and share them to us. The DOS softwares are called abandonware. There are some sites host abandonware, one of them is abandonia. I get my old game there. 🙂

In order to run the abandonware on Windows NT family smoothly, especially for games, you need a DOS emulator. abandonia had provided you some emulators. Review and donwload which suitable to you.

Ok, happy playing ancient games. 🙂

Categories: Out Of Topics